Lesson 67: Allow Your Truest Gifts and Talents to Shine with Sofia Araya

How to keep following your desires and forge an entirely new path and career for yourself

with Sofia Araya

Why does sharing our authentic gifts and talents with others oftentimes feel so scary? And what could be possible if we all had the courage to let them out and allow them to shine, even if we feel afraid?

This week on Creativity School I’m talking to Sofia Araya, an international spiritual life coach, teacher, and Akashic Records Reader. Sofia shares her story of how she transitioned from a career in interior design to one that has allowed her unique gifts to develop and shine. We also discuss how scary and vulnerable it can feel sharing your gifts and talents, especially when your gifts are spiritual ones! Sofia also shares about the importance of being self aware of what’s holding you back from sharing your gifts and why it’s important to work with your triggers instead of avoiding them.

Sofia’s inspiring journey shows us what can happen if you courageously share your gifts with others, especially as you see triggers as an opportunity to heal and move forward in your life mission!

I also share a little bit about what I’ve been up to, and some new ways of working together so you can heal your triggers and move forward with creating your best life! If you’re interested in booking at Akashic Record Reading with me, here’s how to get on the waitlist.

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Lesson 66: Take a Chance on Yourself and Say Yes! with Sonya Sanford

How to CreatE Amazing opportunities by taking a chance on yourself

with Sonya Sanford

How much expansion could be possible in your life if you allowed yourself to stay open to new opportunities (even if you feel completely unqualified) and just said YES?

This week on Creativity School I’m talking to my good friend and creative powerhouse Sonya Sanford. Sonya is a multi-passionate creative and a chef, food stylist, food writer, and screenwriter for television and film - all while being completely self taught. She shares her story of how she got started in her various careers by consistently allowing her curiosity to lead, and saying yes to new opportunities when she had no experience. We talk about how a near death experience made Sonya realize “life is too short to be crying in a parking lot every day doing something you hate” and why it’s so important to do what you love. Sonya also shares what she learned from the failure of having her beloved restaurant close down, and how she balances all her creative interests and passions. Sonya’s inspiring journey shows the magic of what can happen if you stay open, say YES, and allow life to unfold in the most unpredictable and delicious way!

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Lesson 65: Why You Must Take Action on Your Ideas

How taking action on your ideas connects you to the master creator within

This week on Creativity School, I share with you how taking action on your ideas allows you to get in touch with the Master Creator that’s within all of us, by giving you the opportunity to practice the alchemy of taking an idea from pure energy into something that’s tangible and real. If you’re someone that struggles with taking your ideas from inside of you and turning them into something more, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode. And if you do the homework I give you this week, I hope you’ll come back and share your experience with me!

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Lesson 64: Staying Courageous and Resilient Through Rejection with Crystal Z. Lee Crystal Z. Lee

How to stay courageous, find hope, and keep believing in your work.

with Crystal Z. Lee

How can you find the courage to believe in your work and keep going with it, despite all the obstacles and rejections that come your way?

Our guest this week is Crystal Z. Lee, a Taiwanese American bilingual author. Crystal shares her inspiring story of how she went from working in the corporate world to becoming an award winning author despite facing nearly 100 rejections on her journey to being published. Crystal says she always knew deep down since childhood that she wanted to be a writer, but never had the courage to pursue it until later in her life after working in Public Relations for a decade and becoming a mom.

Crystal talks all about her journey to finally finding the courage to write, how she handled her negative self talk when she received nearly 100 rejections while pitching her manuscript to publishers, to ultimately becoming an award winning author of books with beloved readers all over the world! Her novel Love and Other Moods has been a finalist in multiple book awards and received a Gold Award, and her children’s book A Unicorn Named Rin was listed in the "Top 120 picture books to add to your kids' reading list in 2021" by PopSugar.com.

Crystal also shares with us the importance of knowing who you are as a creator, staying true to your vision, and why she walked away from 2 publishers when she knew it wasn’t the right fit for her book.

If you’re someone that struggles with finding the time for your creativity, or want some inspiration on how to keep going when it feels like the world keeps telling you “No!”, this episode is for you.

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Lesson 63: Building Self Confidence and Resilience with Aimee Hoover


with Aimee Hoover

Today’s episode is for everyone that was told you can’t make money doing what you love, especially as an artist.

(I have a feeling this is the majority of us!)

The myth of the starving artist is one of the biggest misconceptions there is about creativity. I was told my entire life that I could never make a living with my creative hobbies. But my guest today, Aimée Hoover, has made a successful career as an extraordinary fine artist for 20 years, painting contemporary portraits of animals. Her paintings are in collections all around the world, seen in galleries and exhibitions, and featured in countless magazine articles.

In this episode, Aimée tells us how she accidentally stumbled upon her niche painting portraits of pets 20 years ago, built her business as a side hustle, and how she’s been able to sustain a long lasting career creating exactly what she loves to make. She talks about the point in her career when pleasing clients left her lost and burned out, and how she shut down a successful, profitable business to find joy in her work again. Aimée also shares how to build self confidence and resilience in your work, especially in this day of social media when it’s so easy to feel like you’re not good enough. You’ll also find out why I call Aimée a social media and marketing genius!


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Lesson 62: Your Creativity is Not For Everyone

With Grace Chon

There’s a part of us that longs for our work to be universally liked by everyone. And when that doesn’t happen, it can feel like THE WORST. But the fact of the matter is, your creativity is not meant for everyone. And if someone doesn’t like your work, you simply didn’t make it for them! We are not here to make work that connects with every single person on the planet. We make work for the people that we are meant to connect with it.

Learn why it’s essential that we stop trying to be a people pleaser with our creativity, and the importance of trusting that what you make will reach the right people. I also share some lessons to take away from the negative reviews on my book, Puppy Styled.


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Lesson 61: Summoning the Courage to Be Creative

With Grace Chon

This week’s episode is a replay from the Beautiful Possibility podcast by writer and creative coach Gillian Jacob Kieser. I talk about how (and why) we hold ourselves back from going for our dreams, how to summon the courage to be creative, my favorite mindset tips and more!

If you enjoy this episode, be sure to check out Gillian’s podcast and her new book, 10,000 Doors: Finding your life's purpose through writing.

Learn more about Gillian - Instagram | Website | Book | Podcast

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Lesson 60: Finding Your Unique Creative Magic with Azhelle Wade

How to combine the things you love into your purpose

With Azhelle Wade

How can you find your unique creative magic and create a career that aligns with everything you love to do?

Our guest this week is Azhelle Wade, a talented toy inventor. (What a cool job, right?) Azhelle worked in the toy industry for 10 years at companies like Toys R Us and Madame Alexander, eventually becoming a VP at a toy company. She’s now the host of the Toy Coach Podcast and the founder of Toy Creators Academy, a program that teaches people with no knowledge of the toy industry how to get their own toy and game ideas to market.

Azhelle talks all about how she found her way into the toy industry, what motivated her to quit her corporate job to become the Toy Coach, and the highs and lows of creative entrepreneurship. Azhelle also shares with us her “Puzzle of You” concept - how she found her unique creative career by bringing together different pieces of her life, figured out how they all fit together, and then assembled them into something meaningful not just for herself but for others.

As Azhelle says, “You don't have to be an expert at everything. You just have to be an expert on the life that you choose to lead.” Listen this week to hear more inspirational nuggets of wisdom on how to find your own creative magic just by being you!

Learn more about Azhelle - Instagram | Toy Creator’s Academy

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Lesson 59: Manifesting Your Creativity Through the Akashic Records

How to manifest your unique creative expression

With Helen Vonderheide

What are the Akashic Records and how can you use them as a tool to reconnect to who you are and manifest your unique creative expression?

This week on Creativity School, I’m talking to my teacher Helen Vonderheide, Elite Certified Akashic Records Teacher and Practitioner. Helen gave me my Beginning Practitioner Certification, and I’m thrilled she’s here to teach us all about what the Akashic Records are, and how we can use them to illuminate our path, manifest our creative greatness, and receive the outcomes we desire.

Helen also gives an Akashic Record reading for all of us, so stay tuned until the end to hear the beautiful message she shares. If you want to learn all about the Akashic Records, keep an open heart and mind as you listen because this episode was made especially for you! ✨

Mentioned in this episode:

  • What are the Akashic Records?

  • What it’s like getting information from the Records

  • Why you don’t need to be psychic or have special gifts to access the Records

  • How to use the Records for manifesting creativity and the outcomes we want

  • Helen’s Akashic Record Reading for all of us!!

    Learn more about Helen - Website | Instagram

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Lesson 58: Anything is Possible - But Only If You Believe It

The Importance of belief in the creation process

Do you believe that your creative dreams are possible?

The very foundation of being able to create and manifest all the things you desire is 100% possible. As Henry Ford says, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right!” If you don’t believe it’s possible, it will NEVER happen.

This week on Creativity School, I explore the importance of belief in the creation process, and why it’s so important for you to believe that what you want is possible through understanding the role our conscious and subconscious minds play.

If you have creative dreams that have yet to be fulfilled, this episode will show you why examining your beliefs around possibility is a must.

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